Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Children’s Museum?

Children’s Museums are a pioneering and dynamic group of institutions that are challenging and redefining the boundaries of the traditional museum world. Committed to serving the needs and interest of children by providing exhibits and programs that stimulate curiosity and motivate learning. Children’s Museums are one of the fastest growing areas of the museum world.—“Collective Vision-Starting and Sustaining a Children’s Museum” by Mary Mather

What is the Plan for Mighty Children’s Museum?

We plan to build 5-6 interactive exhibits that can be looked at, touched, climbed on, smelled, whatever the kids can think of. The ideas for these exhibits range from a semi-truck style car, a market, or even a roller coaster for golf balls. We are talking and doing research with area teachers and experts on early childhood education to try to meet the needs of our community the best way possible.

Why the Name Mighty?

Tell a kid that you think they are mighty and watch their reaction. Empowering kids to believe that they are mighty is what we want to do. We want them to come to our museum play, have fun, and learn that they are mighty and their brains are mighty, too.

Why a Children’s Museum in Chillicothe?

With the nearest hands-on learning center being close to 60 miles away, our goal is to bring hands-on learning to our local community by making it more accessible for families in Ross County and the surrounding areas. Engaging children in early development and learning is important to introduce “soft skills” such as collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity, and innovation. Mighty Children’s Museum will help to encourage learning through play with hands on exhibits, demonstrations and events that run fun activities into learning experiences. It will empower children to use curiosity and imagination to discover new ways of learning by exploring new surroundings, experiencing new activities and playing alongside their peers.

What Businesses and the Community Need to Know

Early education is vital for children to have the foundation to build upon in grade school and beyond. Not only with Mighty Children’s Museum offer unique learning experiences but it will also teach children about collaboration with peers, group play, and other vital social skills. We want to show kids that learning can be fun and help create lifelong learners within our community.

Early childhood programs are the most cost-effective way to ensure the healthy development of children in poverty and offer the greatest returns to society ( In 2012, Ross County had an 85% graduation rate, and lower than 87% 4th grade proficiency in math and reading ( We want to improve these numbers and help children empower themselves to be successful adults.

As a cultural attraction, Mighty Children’s Museum will have a positive impact on local economy by bringing visitors into our historic downtown.

Children’s Museums have been shown to strengthen entire communities by creating partnerships that involve schools, colleges, youth organizations, corporate partners, and community leaders.

When Will You Be Opening?

We are currently raising funds to build exhibits and get our doors open. We have set an aggressive goal to be open by early 2016. And we believe, with the communities support, this is possible.

What Can I Do to Help?

To support a children’s museum we will be looking for private donations, corporate sponsorship, endowments, foundation donations and grants. Once the museum is open there will be opportunities for exhibit sponsorship, program sponsorship and volunteers to help staff the museum during open hours. Additional funding will come from admissions, membership, annual fundraisers, and grants.

In the future we will also be seeking donations of things like new books, art supplies, and certain toys.